Welcome to Westover Kids!

“Let the little children come to me, for of such as these is the Kingdom of Heaven!” Our mission is to introduce and nurture the relationships between God’s children and his son Jesus Christ."

We have three guiding principles:

  • Helping kids fall in love with Jesus
  • Servants who are passionate about impacting children and their walk with Jesus as they are gifted to do so.
  • A children’s ministry that will support and encourage parents as they raise their children in the Lord.

There are many exciting things going on in WestoverKids! Led by Adam & Denise Black, our children’s ministers, Westover offers a full range of children’s classes and activities from Cradle Roll through Fifth Grade.

Special Events

Welcome to Family Pods! The main purpose of Family Pods is to support you in creating a Christ-centered home. Your family, along with 5-6 other families, will meet one Sunday a month during Growth Group at 9:15 a.m. You will have a mentor team leading your group who is so excited to get to know you!

We are praying for all of you and anticipate great blessings for you and your family through these relationships. It takes a village and we want to be your village and support you in discipling your children for the Lord.

Westover Kids Classes

Sunday Morning
Bible Class | Nursery - 5th Grade | 9:15 AM
Kid's Worship | Nursery - 5th Grade | 10:30 AM

Contact Us

Children's Ministers
Adam Black, adam@westover.org
Denise Black, denise@westover.org

Danielle Hejl - danielle@westover.org
Kay Lynn Leake - kids@westover.org

Follow us on Social Media

Coffee and Conversation with Rachel

Join Rachel Fuller as she has conversations with incredible guests who share their talents, stories, and hearts in helping us all be the family God calls us to be. A new episode comes out each Tuesday at 6 pm. You can watch on YouTube or listen on your favorite Podcast platform
Upcoming at Westover
Men's Bible Study
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Women's Bible Study
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Other Ministries